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Rabu, 01 September 2010

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Bernice afraid naked pictures exposed
September 1, 2010 at 7:25 AM

Yesterday Bernice Liu attended a shooting competition event held by Harbour City. She expressed that she has more than 20 cameras, the most expensive one is about $70,000, and also hinted that she captured many naked pictures of herself to keep for her next generation. She said, "The pictures were taken after entering the industry, there's film ones, digital, there's many I can't print out, but I once brought them to be developed, thankfully they're still safe now, but since there were people who got into trouble for taking their laptops to fix, I'm also quite scared."

She was asked if Moses Chan was a suitable person to capture, she said, "I haven't captured a guy who's fully naked." Besides this, PakHo Chau's grandmother has abnormal heartbeat because of fever and was admitted to hospital, her condition is stable now. He who loves shooting expressed that he wants to capture Angelababy and praised that she looks pretty at any angle.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translator:Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld
Joey Yung thanks for all supports, very warm!
September 1, 2010 at 6:57 AM

Lin Yi Lai who was once charged for making false sexual harassment report and was placed under probation, said that Joey Yung is a "Ge Xing Zai" and attracted many attacks from artistes. Joey Yung left a message on Weibo yesterday saying that besides being thankful for all the supports from her good friends, she also felt that there was no need to have a "verbal war" ,: "No matter what we are still people who love Hong Kong, hopefully each of us will learn to forgive, I thank my friends for their support once again, very warm! With you all, it's worth to become Ge Xing Zai for all my life!" Joey also expressed that she had to see a doctor because she was down with cold.

Besides this, many singers included Charlene Choi (Ah Sa), Louis Yuen and Denise Ho continue to stand up for Joey on Weibo. Ah Sa pointed that Joey is "Ke Ai Zai" (Cute), and "Shuang Zhi Zai" (Straight forward) in her heart; Denise said, :"We know what is manners, we are lucky, we shall mourn for Ms Lin who doesn't have basic manners!" Lyricist Patrick Leung and Xiao Ke will also be changing the lyrics of Joey's hit song to tease Lin Yi Lai.

Regarding the verbal attack of many artistes, Lin Yi Lai accepted a phone interview and continued to be in anger, "I don't want to talk anymore, let them respond, I don't even know their names, not even their songs, don't let them get famous." (People changing lyrics?) "Thank them." She also filmed a video yesterday night to counter-attack the artistes, saying that singers were trying to get attention and get famous, it's their job to be on the news.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld
Niki Chow celebrates 31st birthday showing off her feminism
August 31, 2010 at 3:03 PM

Yesterday was Niki Chow's 31st birthday. Many of her entertainment circle friends especially went to a hotel to celebrate with her. Her older sister Kathy Chow, Natalie Tong, Anita Mui's old manager (Marianne) attended the party. Niki dressed very nicely, wearing a black sleeveless shirt and flashy accessories and painted bright red nail polish to match. She appeared very feminine.
It was understood that her good friends pushed out fireworks birthday cake at 12am and group sang the birthday song to the birthday girl, surprising Niki. Niki felt very touched and her eyes were teary. At 2am, Niki and Marianne walked out together, Niki had red cheeks, but was not drunk. When reporters took photographs, she smiled and was very friendly. Then she got into a friend's car and left.

Niki thanked everyone's birthday wishes on Weibo, she thanked fans for giving her a memorable birthday party. She also thanks good friends for bringing her a birthday party that's full of love. She also wrote her birthday wish: "I hope for good health, everyone is happy and blessed, world full of love! I love you all!"

Source:Oriental Daily
Raymond Lam and Florinda Ho responds "just for laughs" to dating rumors
August 31, 2010 at 1:10 PM

"King of Gambling" Stanley Ho's daughter Florinda Ho announced her break up with "Fur Prince" Andy Wong. It was recently rumored that Florinda and Raymond Lam are secretly in contact, but the two used "just for laughs" as their response to the rumors.

Raymond and Florinda, once prince and princess, although Raymond is 10 years older than Florinda, both are still very attractive. In July, Florinda supported 2 nights of Raymond's concert and visited him backstage. The day before during the film The Jade and the Emerald sponsor dinner, both Florinda and Raymond attended.

Rumored wth Raymond, Florinda revealed through her good friend denying to the media that she is dating Raymond. Yesterday reporters contacted Florinda to confirm the rumors, but the call flew to voicemail and she did not respond. Later, Florinda's good friend provided an explanation to the rumors, her response is: "just for laughs" and expressed that there is no such thing.

Raymond responded to the rumors and also said the same thing: "just for laughs! No response." Asked if Raymond knows Florinda? He expressed that night at The Jade and the Emerald sponsor dinner, they did greet one another.

Source: Mingpao

Michelle Reis implies she's pregnant?
August 31, 2010 at 12:55 PM

"Big Beauty" Michelle Reis is a beauty legend and is often rumored that she's 4 months pregnant. However, she has not announced the good news yet. Yesterday Michelle revealed on Weibo that she attracts bug bites, which seems to have overtones. When a woman is pregnant, there are changes in the endocrine, specifically speeding up the metabolism which especially attracts mosquitoes. Michelle getting mosquito bites, could it be related?

In the past few days, Michelle has been keeping in touch with fans on Weibo. The day before, she uploaded a photo which appears she has a belly sticking out, and also announced the good news that her mothers' seeds from her garden has successfully grew papayas, limes and pears.

Yesterday Michelle updates her Weibo again, she wrote: "I am extremely attracted to mosquitoes, often getting bitten. But today according to the insect experts, woman with a sexy body figure often have higher estrogen levels so attracts more mosquitoes. In the future, when getting a mosquito bites, tell myself: "Who told me to be so sexy!"

Source: Mingpao

Kenny Wong breaks his finger filming fighting scene with John Chiang
August 31, 2010 at 12:48 PM

Kenny Wong and JJ Jia attended a fitness event yesterday. The day before, Kenny and John Chiang finished filming the fighting scenes for TVB new series Female Fist and broke his ring finger. Yesterday it was seen that Kenny had a plastic support for his finger yesterday. Asked if his finger would be twisted in the long-term? Kenny laughed: "Well then have to see if I'm well-behaved or not. Later, I have to make-up the filming. I can't move too much when taking a shower and the support can easily come off. (When filming again, will John Chiang be paranoid?) No, he's so amazing, his kung fu can break my finger muscle." First time filming a martial arts series and got injured, Kenny said: "Accidents do happen."

Source: Oriental Daily

Artistes counter-attack
August 31, 2010 at 9:17 AM
Lin Yi Lai

Lin Yi Lai's comment that was very rude offended many people from the entertainment industry.

Miriam Yeung: Yes! I am Ge Xing Zai ( small singer), so what! Support Joey!

Erica Yuen: Although Lin Yi Lai has the freedom of speech, but I don't understand what is she up to, Joey is Queen, people say she's Ge Xing Zai, how can it be? It's very rude for her to say that, why is she looking down on people, she's not even a member, can call her XX zai."

Hinson Chou: She should respect singers.

Hins Cheung: We should never counter-attack a person who has low EQ, what happens if we lose our IQ too!"

Chapman To: There is no need to insult people, it was not logical for her to say that, no brains, not sensible, it's totally a clown's action, I can only use three words to describe, fascism.

Pakho Chau: Then I am "Liu Xing zai"?

Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld

Below is a brief news of what Lin Yi Lai has said in a phone interview, expressed that the video was filmed by her assistant and uploaded on the internet :

"She (Joey Yung) is a Ge Xing zai, she's only 20-30 years old, small kids shouldn't talk so much, if she listens and feels not comfortable, I'll call her Da Ge Xing (big singer) lor, (Singers have freedom of speech?) It's not that she has no rights to coment, everyone can talk about it, but not at this time, everyone is still hurt, later la!" She expressed that she is very stubborn and felt that there is no need for a public apology, "Stupid? What apologise? Scold for what? Hong Kong people should be united now, real singers would not mind one or two words of "Ge Xing Zai", ask her to have some confidence la!"

*Translated from Oriented Daily"
Translator: Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld
Kara Hui coughed up blood in Shanghai
August 31, 2010 at 8:49 AM

The Film Queen Kara Hui returned to Hong Kong to share her joy with friends yesterday after receiving the award. She was sick but could not conceal her excitement. She revealed that she had the same marks as Vicki Zhao Wei. It was hard for the judges to make the final decision, at the end there were 2 film queens, she said, " The happiest thing is to get recognition in Mainland." About Nick Cheung being the Best Actor for the 7th time, Kara Hui who has gotten 6 times Best Actress expressed that she had heavy workload.

Besides this, while filming in Shanghai, Kara coughed up blood, she said, "Shanghai's weather's really hot until I had fever and cough, I even coughed up blood, now my whole body's weak." Apart from this, Nick Cheung's new EEG series which was aired in Hong Kong for 4 days received about $450,0000 and became the winner of Hong Kong's box office. Film company intends to hold a celebration party.

Source: oriental Daily
Translator: Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld
TVB received complaints for broadcasting tragedy
August 31, 2010 at 8:35 AM

In regards to the Manila bus hijack incident which happened last week, although TV station's live broadcast news has received high ratings, average of 31 points, peaked at 38 points, close to 250,0000 audiences, the live broadcast of the tragedy also received complaints. TVB received 14 complaints while Broadcasting Authority received 8 complaints. They said that the contents of the videos have caused discomfort and making them feel hurt so on.

Although TVB's comedy series (Can't Buy Me Love) has been highly rated, average of 33 points, more than 200,0000 audiences, Broadcasting Authority also received 4 complaints, pointed that the series was arranged to air at the wrong period of time due to the tragedy. TVB received 8 complaints saying that Moses Chan and Charmaine Sheh's acting looked fake.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld
Twins recalls old memories of lip syncing
August 30, 2010 at 9:52 PM

Alan tam, hacken Lee and Twins arrived at Macau the night before a concert. Twins members Gillian Chung (Ah Gil) was performing and the microphones suddenly failed on her, and even when she switched to another one, it still did not help. In the end, Charlene Choi continued to show off the spirit of Twins, by sharing a microphone with Ah Gil. Twins expressed that it is not the first time that these little accidents happened, but there are only memories through experiences. They also revealed that this is the first time they are performing in Macau, when the two girls weren't famous yet, Ah Sa said: "We only depended on lip syncing that time. At the time we didn't even have a group name yet, the MC used "Hong Kong Newest Duo" to introduce us into the stage, couldn't help but laugh a little."

Also, Alan and Hacken teased the MC Fala Chen on stage, Hacken said: "I asked about Fala's limit before, she's really ok with anything. (Next time talk about Marge Zhuge?) No, who is that? I don't know this thing!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Joey Yung: "People of HK cannot be bullied"; Leo Ku donates 100,000
August 30, 2010 at 9:41 PM

"Solar Project 2010 Southern Music Concert" was held yesterday. All participating singers and audience wore a yellow ribbon on their left wrist in respect of the Manila tour bus hostages victims and their families.

When the singers sang A Little Candle, everyone raised their left hands with the yellow ribbon, it was a very moving atmosphere. Leo hoped that our grief and anger turns into power, he hopes the lost victim rests in peace and gives support to the victims' family. Leo donated HK$ 100,000 in concern of the orphans lives and growth and also to support the victims' family. Leo said: "I saw the news while filming in Mainland, very heartbreaking and very angry. Right now I hope to turn troubles into support."

Joey yung also felt very unhappy over the incident, after going through troubles, will be even more united, love conquers all. It proves that the people of Hong Kong "cannot be bullied". Joey used music to support the survivors, performing her new song The Wizard of Oz.

Source: Mingpao
Nancy Sit thinks carefully before posting on Weibo
August 30, 2010 at 3:53 PM

Nancy Sit appeared at the TVB Children's Day Talent Acting which was held on the previous night. Regarding Jackie Chan's comment that has been misunderstood, she said, " Maybe the big tree invites strong wind, easily causes misunderstanding, try to observe la! When I go on Weibo I'll never go through someone else, everytime when I post a message I really need to think carefully."

Sherman Chung who was also at the event said, " This time is my first time performing with children, I really feel nervous, they are smart and active, when I was young all I know was hiding behind my mother."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld
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