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Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Daily K Pop News

Daily K Pop News

[TRANS] 101119 2PM Interview on Yahoo!music - "Beast Idols" Create a New Sensation

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 06:14 AM PST

2PM, "Beast Idols" Create a New Sensation

2PM Interview
This fall, K-POP's strongest and highest regarded boy group, 2PM, is finally debuting in Japan! In April they released their single 'DON'T STOP CAN'T STOP' in Korea of which the lead track 'Without U' received first place on all the music charts, thousands of people went to their first concert making it a big success, and more, and they are currently conquering the music scene of Korea. It seems they'll be causing a movement in Japan next, so we're reporting our interview with 2PM without delay!

1. "When I auditioned, I seized the chance to debut" (Nichkhun)
Finally the "beast-dols" (beast idols), a boy group with overwhelming popularity in Korea, 2PM, will be landing in Japan this coming winter. Where does 2PM's charm lay and why are they so well-received in Korea? Via this interview, you will find out that "beastliness" isn't their only charm, and that their natural playfulness is actually their biggest charm!?

- What is everyone's motives for going into music? Also, how did you become a 2PM member?
Nichkhun: I was at a concert and a casting manager from JYPE (the office they belong to) approached me, it was really unexpected....... Then I passed the audition and seized the chance to debut.

Junsu: I started thinking "I want to do music!" when I was in the third year of middle school because I really liked Stevie Wonder. At that time I woud see videos of him and aspired musically to be like "I want to be this kind of artist." So then I chanced an autition.

Chansung: The audition I did for "Superstar Survival" aided me in entering JYPE. At the beginning I had planned to be an actor, but once I started learning to dance and sing at JYPE, I thought "This is interesting!" And then before I knew it, I wanted to become a singer.

Taecyeon: I also entered JYPE through an audition program, and had a very difficult time training for 2 years, but being blessed with good fortune, I was chosen to be one of the members of 2PM.

Junho: Just like Chansung and Taecyeon hyung, I was on the audition program "Superstar Survival" and passed, then I became a member of 2PM.

Wooyoung: Through a public audition to become a trainee at JYPE, I entered JYPE, and am currently in it.

- Now, this is sudden, but please tell us about your charms for 30 seconds!
Wooyoung: Ehhhh......(Impatient Wooyoung). Ah, I have a cheerful personality......I think. I'm interesting. I always do my very best! (laugh)

Junho: It's a little bit embarrassing to say this about myself, but......the thing I'm most confident about myself is, I suppose, my smile. And also, what all the members love! my butt!

Taecyeon: My charm is......hmm, this is hard~ to say this out of my own mouth. But, my personality I guess? I'm fairly cheerful. Among the members, anyway. What, hm? I'm cheerful? I....... I think I'm really cheerful. But, I'm gloomy when it's gloomy, though......Anyway, a good personality! that's my charm!

Chansung: Agreement~! Whoo~ I guess it's my personality too? I guess I'm a bit absent-minded. Like this (he shows a facial expression like "poka~n"). I don't know if you know what I mean, but once you've been around me for a long time I think you'll understand.

Junsu: For me it's my personality too. I think I have the kind of personality where I try to see the positive side to everything. Also, I will always thoroughly love music.

Nichkhun: I'll start with something different by saying that I think I have a heart that makes me strive to do my best and be honest. Can I call something like that a charm? (the members nod in assent). Well, I guess that's my charm!

2. "Recently I've started memorizing hiragana and katakana" (Taecyeon)

- I would think you would be too busy to have much free time, but what is the thing that interests you most?
Wooyoung: That's right. Lately I've been studying acting and foreign languages.

- What kind of actor do you want to be?
Wooyoung: objective is to become an actor who is able enough to make the best out of a character for a particular work.

- Is there a particular actor you want to be like?
Wooyoung: (embarrassed) I personally love Sean Connery. If I could also put on a beard like that.......

Junho: When I get a break I listen to a lot of songs and music. I don't just listen though, I think about how the song was made, why it was given such a melody......and while I'm thinking about it I also do composing myself all while I'm on a break.

- Is there any music you've been listening to in particular these days?
Junho: I listen to Usher's music. Not just his recent album, but his past ones, starting from his debut album up to his current one, and I'm continuously immersed thinking about how his music has been developing over time.

Taecyeon: What's been intersting me most is......I guess, my body's appearance! Lately my body has been slackening off......but I've restarted exercising again. Besides that, I've started memorizing hiragana and katakana. I'm trying my hardest! For now I've memorized all there is to memorize, but I have yet to get the distinctions down. I get tested on them every single what it feels like.

Chansung: What interests me no other than Japanese. Besides that, my body......I should work on gradually rehabilitating too (laugh). With Taecyeon hyung.......

Junsu: I've always been super interested in composing, however besides just composing, I've been trying out writing melodies and arrangement. Therefore, when I listen to songs, whether it be a singer or an artist......I think more of how a producer would listen to the music.

- Then do you use DTM (Desktop Music)?
Junsu: Yes, I do.

Members: The sound from's so noisy (laugh).

Nichkhun: When I have time, I like to practice on the piano. Recently I've been into sports, mainly golf and badminton, but......there's no time. I have a lot of interest in them though.

Members: Saying you have interest in them......isn't that impossible?

Nichkhun: seems impossible (laugh).

3. "It's fun to interact with Japanese fans!" (Junho)

- Lately there have been increasing amounts of both male and female Korean groups advancing to Japan, and the groups always have big dreams such as "No 1 on Oricon!" and "Japanese performances!" What sort of dream does 2PM have for Japan activities?
Junho: As for the Oricon chart ranking, I think it's important to see it with your own eyes, but we aren't going to Japan just because we're "beast-dols" (beast idols). Therefore, we'll have to work hard so we can show everyone of Japan through new personal experiences that we're more than that. That's all for right now. Like that, we will be able to show our true selves through our activity and once we're able to reach through to everyone of Japan, we could perhaps get such a rank naturally. If that doesn't happen, it will become our own weakness. We can wait to reach such a high hurdle, and instead, we can first enjoy interacting with Japanese fans for now! That's how I feel.

- Well said. Lastly, please give a message to your Japanese fans!
Wooyoung: 2PM has been given a wonderful opportunity this time and I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart. We'll be able to meet soon!

Junho: I'm really thankful to all of the fans who always come to Korea, and to those who support us. I will try my best to match the "breathing" of all the Japanese fans, so please think kindly of me!

Taecyeon: I want to hurry and go to Japan so we can show you how hard we work. (In Japanese) Please wait for us! Thank you. Let's meet again!

Chansung: Even though we're from a foreign country, everyone in Japan gives 2PM lots of love....... Even so, I think it's great and I'm thankful for all that we're given through such a job as this. I want to respond to all of that love from the Japanese by firmly holding onto those feelings. Thank you.

Junsu: From now on 2PM will grow to be even better, and since we will be going to meet you all as hot beast-dols, please wait for us!!

Nichkhun: I will work my hardest so as not to disappoint the Japanese fans. Also, I can't wait to go to Japan and meet everyone!

(Interviewer/Furuya Shoukou)

1. Chansung's "poka~n" face is how the Japanese describe the face he always makes. the one that looks like he's zoning out, lol
2. hiragana and katakana refer to 2 of the Japanese alphabets
3. DTM, or Desktop Music, is another word for MIDI music

Translated by: dawnjelly @

[Video] 101120 Starking

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 05:17 AM PST

Chansung's cut

Kang Hodong: Why did you stand up suddenly?
Wooyoung: Sometimes you have to stand up
Hodong: When you watch him perform, did you have a jealous feeling?
Junho: Not really... *points to Chansung* You're really awesome today

Kor-Eng: Egle @2pmalways

[News]Super Junior Sungmin to play 'President' Choi SooJong-Ha HeeRa's son; Challenges acting after 5 years.

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 05:02 AM PST

[Newsen Lee EonHyuk Reporter]

Super Junior Sungmin to challenge acting.

Sungmin will take part in KBS 2TV's new drama 'President' (Screenplay: Son YoungMook ; Director: Kim HyungIl) as Jang IlJun (played by Choi SooJung) and Cho SoHee's (played by Ha HeeRa)'s son Jang SungMin.

Jang Sungmin is a Political Science major student who dreams to become a politician like his father. He tries to help his father on elections but he often does it the wrong way.

Officials stated that "His real name and the character's name in the drama is alike and we believe that it was fate." also, "Not only does he sing and dance well he also has the talent in acting."

Sungmin acted as the young Kim Chan Woo of the 2005 morning drama 'Sea of Sisters.' Sungmin who's challenging acting said, "It's been a long time since I acted and I am anticipating."

'President' will air on December 8 right after 'Fugitive: Plan B.'

Lee EonHyuk for news and press releases
copyrightⓒ Newsen. No unauthorized copying.

c r e d i t s ;
Source: Newsen

Picture Source: Newsen
English Translation: 특ģeиeŗατioи© @

[News] Yonghwa and Seohyun’s messages for each other!

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 05:03 AM PST

During this week episode, Yonghwa and Seohyun went out together during their schedule on Japan! Yonghwa and Seohyun went to a temple/shrine(not sure where is located), they went to wrote messages to each other!


Seohyun wrote: yong~ i'll think of the time we've spent so far preciously. Let's make even better memories~! SNSD and CN Blue will be great! I'll always cheer (for you? – in korean the 'to who' is not specified)

Yonghwa wrote: hyun~ you'll be daebak in japan! i'll always support/ cheer for yoU! even though we're apart- both of us hwaiting!

Source : iloveyongseo

[INFO] 101119 Yahoo!music 2PM POWER PUSH Apperance!

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 04:54 AM PST

Yahoo!music 2PM POWER PUSH Apperance!
On 11/19~ 2PM POWER PUSH has been started on the Yahoo!music TOP page!
You can look at their PVs and member comments! Please do so!

The Yahoo!music page is here:

*t/n: Unfortunately you must be a Japanese resident to watch the videos, etc

Translated by: dawnjelly @

[NEWS] 101120 Changmin sings a song about his break-up experience with his soul

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 05:18 AM PST

ay be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
2AM Lee Changmin passionately sang a song he created that held his break-up experience.

On the episode of KBS 2TV 'Star Golden Bell' that aired on the 20th, Lee Changmin sang 'To Love Again', a song on first official album Saint O'Clock.

MC Ji Suk Jin started, "I heard that it was a song you wrote the lyrics to yourself' and "I heard it was a tale of your experience". Lee Changmin passed on, "It's a song I actually experienced" and "My ex-girlfriend probably knows about it".


[NEWS] 101118 Sangchu reveals a group picture with 2PM and Dream Team

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 04:52 AM PST

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
Mighty Mouth's Sangchu revealed a picture he'd taken with the members of KBS 2TV's 'Go! Dream Team Season 2' (Also 'Dream Team') and 2PM.

On the 18th, he put up a picture on his Twitter with the caption "2PM + Dream Team".

The picture holds the 'Dream Team' members and 2PM dotted around and taking the picture.

The netizens showed reactions of "It's the broadcast man~~" "2PM, of course, is hot wherever they are~~" "Dream Team 2PM fighting!!" "The best~~~ Keke I'll anticipate the broadcast~~~".

2PM has taken place in this program's recording the last 17th.

[News] SHINee Minho Feels Honoured to Act with Han Ji Hye

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 04:49 AM PST

Having Han Ji Hye as his acting partner during his first acting experience, SHINee's Minho expressed that he felt very honoured.

The set of KBS TV drama Pianist, has been revealed on the 18th afternoon in Incheon. Pianist is a comeback drama after Han Ji Hye got married, it is also SHINee Minho's first acting challenge. In the drama, Minho's role is a musically gifted child, who will embark on a journey of sad scenes. Minho said that it was an honour to act with Han Ji Hye, as it was his first try on acting, she had led him well and he felt very grateful for it.

Regarding Minho's statement, Han Ji Hye replied that when they were working together, Minho had a natural sense towards acting and she has this feeling that they might meet again in future production of other works. Han Ji Hye and Minho's relationship will be expressed via beautiful classical music in Pianist. Due to the Asian Games broadcast, the show will begin broadcasting on either 27th November or 4th December.

Credits: SHINee Bar
Translated by:

[news] 4minute Hyuna featured in Won Bin's performance in Music Core and forgets lyrics!

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 01:43 AM PST

It has been a while since a 4minute member have been on stage and today on the 20th of November episode of MBC "Music Core" member Hyuna featured and rapped for Won Bin's stage "I love you and I love you" which was originally done by miryo from Brown Eyed Girls.

The song is a nice orchestral melody type of song with a medium tempo that is unique to both won bin and the song. Hyuna showed up and rapped for Won Bin however, by the second half of her part, she slowed down and it seemed that she forgot the lyrics to the song. Hyuna tried to remember however fails and could not help but smile and laugh about her mistake. She then left the stage with embarrassment but smiles at her mistake at the same time.

Meanwhile, 4minute is busy promoting their third Japanese single "First" and she will also be featuring for Won Bin's performance tomorrow on SBS Inkigayo.

Source: Newsen
Credits: Blueprincess824 @

[Video] Seohyun attempted skinship with Yonghwa!

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 01:05 AM PST

Recently reported, Seohyun attempted skinship with Yonghwa which make the host cheered! Check out the first skinship that Seohyun tried!

Credits : TheCouplet3

[Video] 2NE1 says goodbye with 'It Hurts' on Music Core

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:37 AM PST

2NE1 finally makes a last appearance on Music Show! this time, is Music Core. they performed latest hits song ' It Hurts' on a goodbye stage. go check out their performance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] SNSD performs 'Hoot' on Music Core

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:35 AM PST

Girlgroup SNSD, performed to their latest hits song 'Hoot'. Unfortunately, Due to Knee Injury, Tiffany couldn't continue promotes the song with 8 other members. Keep praying for Tiffany to recover soon!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] 2AM performs ' Like a Crazy' on Music Core

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:32 AM PST

JYP's ballad group, 2AM performed to their hits song from album 'Saint O' Clock' on today Music Core, Check out their appearance on clip below!

Video Source egg101027 @ YT

[Video] Kara is back with 'Burn' and ' Jumping' on Music Core!

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:34 AM PST

After teasing with comeback teaser on last week Music Core, Kara is officially back! Kara makes a comeback through Music Core with 2 songs in a row from their mini album, "Jumping". Let's check out their performance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] Beast makes a comeback with 'Beautiful' on Music Core

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:15 AM PST

Beast is back with new song, 'Beautiful' from 4th Mini Album, 'Lights Go On Again' . The concept for beautiful is kinda different with their song from 3rd Mini Album 'Mastermind', Breath. Let's check out their appearance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] VNT performs 'Sound' on today Music Core!

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:06 AM PST

Rookie group, VNT performs to their latest hits song, "Sound". As we know, VNT's MV starred by no other than Minho. Meanwhile, let's check their performance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] Oh Wonbin performs 'I Love You Again I Love You' Featuring 4Minute Hyunah on Music Core

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:04 AM PST

FT Island's Former member, Oh Wonbin performs to 'I Love You Again I Love You' featuring 4Minute's Rapper, Hyunah. Check out their performance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] Hyun Ah forgot the lyrics during Oh Won Bin's I Love You I Love You performance

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:04 AM PST

4Minute's hyun ah is featured in Won Bin's I Love You I Love You performance at Music Core today.

She did really well at first but she forgot the lyrics at the very end of the performance,she smiles when she realised her mistake,check out the clip here.


[Video] Hwangbo performs, 'I Am still Beautiful' on Music Core!

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 12:01 AM PST

Soloist, Hwangbo performed to her latest hits song, 'I Am still beautiful' on today music core! check out her appearance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] Orange Caramel returns with ' A~ing♡' on Music Core

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 11:58 PM PST

After School Sub-unit group, Orange Caramel consist of 3 new members, Raina, Nana,and Lizzy
makes a comeback through Music Core with their brand new Song, A~ing♡. Their new concept still same as 'Magic Girl', it's cutesy concept. just let's check out their cute appearance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] GP Basic says 'I'll Be There' on today Music Core

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 11:43 PM PST

Rookie 'Maknae' Girlgroup, GP Basic performed to 'I'll Be There' again on today Music Core. The Youngest from group, Janey couldn't join them performing 'I'll Be There' due to Suggested age of Music Program. But anyway, just let's check GP Basic's performance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[Video] HAM is 'So Sexy' on Today Music Core!

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 11:42 PM PST

Rookie Girlgroup Heart and Mind or mostly known as "HAM", Performed their single, 'So Sexy' on today Music Core. Check out their appearance on clip below!

Video Source CrazyCarrot270 @ YT

[News] 101120 2AM has better bodies than 2PM

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 11:24 PM PST

2 years after their debut and finally releasing their first full-length album, 2AM was on KBS COOL FM's "Ok Juhyeon's Music Stage" on the 19th, and 'boasted' that their bodies were better than that of their beastly noon-time counter parts, 2PM.

DJ Horan asked them to choose a band, and say what 2AM was better than said band in, and 2AM unabashedly said that they were more playful than SNSD, and younger than SG Wannabe, so they would have a better future because of that.

With regards to 2PM, 2AM said that they had better bodies, and had the confidence to say so. But when the DJ mentioned "Mature group" Brown Eyed Girls, 2AM did not say anything, because "noonas can be scary", hence letting BEG take this round.

In other news, Changmin was chosen as 2AM's member that boasted about himself the most. But in his defense, he stated that once when he went to the gym, someone mistook him for a trainer, and he felt sad that the person did not recognise him for the singer that he is, so he told the other members and they took it to mean that he was boasting about how good his body is. He also interjected saying that he would wear non-trainer type clothes, so that he would not be mistaken for a trainer again.

Reporter: Kim Jeonghwan
Credit: Newsis

Translated by empired @

[Videos] TaeYeon returned to Chin Chin,as a guest,not DJ!

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 11:21 PM PST

SNSD's kid leader who used to be the DJ of radio show Chin Chin radio appeared on the show as a guest.

Check out the clips here where she revisits her ex office.

[Video] Hello,Hello!!! (String Version)

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 11:16 PM PST

Special performance by SHINee,the boys perform the string version of their hit song Hello.

Take a look at their performance here,still loving the original version more right?

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