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Jumat, 26 November 2010

Daily K Pop News

Daily K Pop News

[News] Kim Hyun Joong : “Only Stored 40 Numbers in Mobile Phone”

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 07:07 AM PST

When asked Kim HyunJoong about his close entertainer friends, he said "Really just a few of them. Those whom I contact and meet up with are mostly normal (non-entertainer) people." He stored about 40 numbers in his mobile phone, he likes to memorise numbers so he deliberately doesn't store them into his mobile phone. His close friends are the SongPa-gu ShinCheonPa neighbourhood friends whom he knew since young and brothers from dancer team, also his health/gym trainer and soccer team members. "My health/gym trainer's name is Sander. Do you know what is his real name? It's Kim SangDeuk. It is the exactly the same as the Kim SangDeuk in Alaska in the episode of 'Infinity Challenge'." Kim HyunJoong said laughing his head off.

1. Xiah Junsu – Became close with him and Hero JaeJoong because of our similar activity period during initial period of debut. Lee Wan, Kim Bum, Micky YooChun, Hero JaeJoong are the members of celebrity soccer team 'Men'. Lee Wan hyung went for military service thus rarely joins for soccer. Everyone likes soccer so much so that we can come out to play soccer at our neighbourhood stadium even at 2am. We don't have specific positions or numbers. Neighbourhood soccer is that everyone is mixed up together and swarm after the ball. There was once Xiah Junsu suggested making uniforms with numbers on it and said 'I want to have route 3' and then we 'gave up' the idea.

2. Micky YooChun – Although didn't get to meet frequently, he is a drinking (alcohol) companion who will come whenever you call even if it's in the wee hours of morning. It's good because we can meet without any pretence. Our nickname for each other is vulgar (?) words. When filming 'Mischievous Kiss', Micky YooChun is filming 'SungKyunKwan Scandal', thus we couldn't monitor each other (drama work). Later when my drama ended, I watched 'SungKyunKwan Scandal', and just as it was getting interesting, it ended, it was quite a pity.

3. Gummy – A close sister who even my mother knows. Not long ago, I went to Gummy noona's mother and elder brother's oyster specialty store at BoonDang, and drank by myself.

4. SS501 – Will release an album together next year. They are my brothers whom I must go together for my whole life. Recently, HyungJun said at the press conference for his musical that I didn't reply the text message sent to me when I was at China Guangzhou Asian Games, it was a misunderstanding. I didn't see the message because my mobile phone battery went dead. I didn't bring my charger so I couldn't send any reply. Charger will be the first thing I will pack in whenever I go overseas in the future.

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

[News] Park Jung Min releases album, artillery fire boom fan-meeting away

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 07:05 AM PST

Idol group SS501 members develop respectively, Park Jung Min was the first member who release a mini album, but due to the tension between North Korea and South Korea, all the plans had been messed up, even his fan-meeting was announced to be postponed.

For the sake of transforming his image from the past, he diligently exercised and lost 12kg, the MV for his new song mobilized 150 temporary actors, and also invited the symphony group to help out, spent a budget of 100 million won to finish the filming.

SS501 member Kim Hyung Jun who learned the news of his MV shooting, he spent his own money of 20 million won to buy pizzas and visit the set, he also groomed him from time to time, taking the opportunity to coquetry, exposed a deep relationship between the members.

Park Jung Min's mini album was originally expected to be release on the 25th, and hold a fan-meeting on the 27th, tickets were sold out in just 5 minutes, thus he was prepared to do his best, but now because of the tension between North and South Korea, his company CNR Media decided to suspend all plans, the loss from it is not small.

Source: Yahoo Taiwan
English translation:
Please repost with full credits.

[Message] Park Jung Min : I am Jung Min ~ ^^

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 06:59 AM PST

Hello everyone, i am Jung Min.
I think we were all taken aback what had happened.

I also heard the news in Japan
And rushed back from Japan yesterday…

Because i was surprised upon hearing the news, had been in a state of panicky, and just recovered from it.
Although its a pity, but the album and fan-meeting this time will be pushed back a little while…

Really sad.

Cannot meet everyone.
Now the situation of the country is also…

Let's all! Pray together that such thing will not happen again…!
My condolences for the sacrificed one…

Then, i think i would still have more time to prepare the album and fan-meeting..!!
Please wait!
As for those oversea fans who travel all the way to Korea, I also express my thanks and sorry.
This is Jung Min.. ^^!



여러분들도 많이 놀라셨을거라고 생각합니다.

저도 일본에서 소식듣고

급히 어제 일본에서 돌아왔어요…

소식듣고 너무 놀라서.. 패닉상태였다가 이제서야 정신차렸네요..

정말 아쉽지만 이번 앨범과 팬미팅은 잠시 미뤄둬야할 것 같습니다…

마음이 너무 아프네요.

여러분들을 못 만나는 것도..

또 지금 우리 나라의 상황도…

여러분! 다시는 이런 일이 일어나지 않도록 같이 기도해주세요…!

고인들의 명복을 빕니다…

그리고 앨범과 팬미팅은…더 알차게 준비를 할 시간이 생겼다고 생각하고..!!

조금만 더 기다려주세요.

멀리서부터 와주신 국내외의 여러분들께도 감사와 죄송한 말씀드립니다.


Credit: Park Jung Min's cafe
Chinese translation: 笑儿@NO.43Park (
English translation:
Please repost with full credits.

[News] Kim Hyun Joong clarifies rumours about working with JYP for solo album

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 06:53 AM PST

Despite rumors spreading about SS501′s leader Kim Hyun Joong collaborating with JYPE's head producer, Park Jin Young, for his solo album next year, the singer has come forth to deny all rumors and confirm that no collaboration has been set to concrete just yet.

"Initial reports about Kim Hyun Joong in the middle of album works with Park Jin Young are wrong. I think what Bae Yong Joon said about wanting to introduce Kim Hyun Joong to Park Jin Young was misinterpreted," confirmed the singer's agency, KeyEast.

The rumors about JYP and Kim Hyun Joong working on his album together raised even more interest because of the fact that JYP Entertainment and KeyEast are collaborating on producing the upcoming KBS 2TV drama, 'Dream High'. However, KeyEast later clarified, "He hasn't even met with Park Jin Young yet, and we have not made any special plans regarding that matter."

Kim Hyun Joong's solo album, to be concentrated in the dance genre, has already received a track to use back in July 2010. It was reported that the production of his new album will be done jointly by producers from Europe and America.

During a recent interview with TV Daily, Kim Hyun Joong expressed, "I want to become a Hallyu Star that has the capability to dance, sing and act. Since I already act and sing, my type of Hallyu will become a new kind of Hallyu."

Source: TV Daily
credits: ss501youremyheaven

[News] SJ Ryeowook's pre-debut pictures disclosed, fans determined to lose weight after viewing

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 06:38 AM PST

Lately, a set of photos of Korean idol band Super Junior Ryeowook's pre-debut pictures were disclosed, and became a hot topic especially among netizens who are in the midst of dieting.

In these photos (,) other than being much chubbier (,) Ryeowook also had glasses on, and has a totally different image now. If not for his name being tagged on the photos, it will be hard for people to believe that Ryeowook is the one in the photos.

The image of Ryeowook in the photos became a topic among fans, most of them expressed that the strong willpower of Ryeowook in losing weight gained respect from them; there are also others who stated that they gained firm determination in losing weight after seeing Ryeowook's photos.

Shared by: in00022 @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Chinese translation: Chulian @ Sj's baidu bar
English translation:~♡ 혁-fied @ SJ-WORLD.NET

[News] It's Okay, Daddy's Daughter, 10.2% viewing rating , a good start

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 06:33 AM PST

According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, 22th broadcast of recorded a rating of 10.2%. In comparison with the rating of 11.7% for the last episode of the previous drama , it is considered as a good start (for the drama). According to the storyline and the age range for , women over the age of 60 has the highest viewing rating rate, leading with 17%.

narrates a father having to sacrificing his family, and the sincere image of his children fighting hard for themselves.

The drama starred Baby Fox's Lee Hee Jin, Super Junior's Lee Donghae, CNBLUE Kang Min Hyuk and 5 other singers, attracting attention in both the movie and music industry.

Source: star news
Shared by: callinginsane @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Chinese translation: 小暖 @ 暗号蓝中文首站
English translation:~♡ 혁-fied @ SJ-WORLD.NET

{NEWS} 101125 U-KISS' Alexander & Eli: Tower Records 1 Day Store Managers

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 06:29 AM PST

Posted Image

Alexander & Eli " Tower Records 1 Day Store Managers", a Long Queue

On last 24th, the members of Korean popular boy group , Alexander and Eli visited Tower Records Shibuya Store as "1 day store managers". In order to receive the valuable name cards from the 2 managers, 500 fans formed a long queue.

When the 2 store managers appeared in the event venue, they were welcomed by applause and great cheers from the fans crowded there. Alexander who expressed his words of gratitude in English said, "I'm very happy to have many fans gathered." And, looking with delight at fans' handmade placards, the figure of Eli who waved and smiled was impressive.

During of the main event, the name cards were hand delivered from the 2 to 500 lucky people who had the tickets. For fans who visited, they could not suppress their excitement when looking up closely at the "good-looking store managers'. On the other hand, Alexander and Eli who were able to interact directly with the Japanese fans, also exchanged greetings with fans which firmly boosted the major role as "1 day store managers'.

The release of long awaited Japan's first album [First KISS] has been decided on 10th Dec. On 9th Dec, for a special event where all members will be gathered at Tower Records Shibuya store again, is also holding their individual live concert in Tokyo and Osaka in the same month as well. Attention is gathered whether they will become 'Eye of The Storm'of Japan's music scene in the future.

Credits: WoW!Korea(Source) +

[Pictures] B2ST's DooJoon and 2PM together! @BeeeestDJ

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 06:06 AM PST

B2ST's DooJoon uploaded 2 pictures of him and 2PM's Junho, Nichkhun and Junsu on Twitter about 2 hours ago.

Check out the cute and handsome men here!

Source: @BeeeestDJ

[CYWORLD] 101107 Day Day & Youngwon's Picture Updates @daydaydoggydog @dalyoung_1

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:28 AM PST


101107 Day Day & Youngwon's Picture Updatess

Day DayWhenever I go to a coffee shop, I order grapefruit juice..I don't think I'm a coffee personI am aDORKable..crazy status


[CAFE] 101110 Bbangku's Cafe Post - Hip hop boy! Hip hop dog! ^^

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:27 AM PST


101110 Bbangku's Cafe Post - Hip hop boy! Hip hop dog! ^^

[CYWORLD] 101109 Dari's Diary Post @iam2dari

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:26 AM PST


101109 Dari's Cyworld Diary Post
Full moon up in the night sky
Like a wolf, I'm calling out for you (howl)
I miss you, the honey bun you were
I'm a honey bee as our luv was sweet

조조할인 Dalmatian radio ver.


[TWITTER] 101107 - 101113 Dalmatian's Updates @daydaydoggydog @low_keydrama @iam2dari @dalyoung_1 @dalyoung_jisu

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:23 AM PST


101107 - 101113 Day Day, Drama, Dari, Youngwon, & Jisu's Tweets

Read from bottom up!
CREDITS: Day Day, Drama, Youngwon, Dari & Jisu's Twitter (SOURCE), BOSS! @ DALMINATION (TRANS)

[TWITTER] 101114 - 101115 Drama, Dari, & Youngwon's Tweets @low_keydrama @iam2dari @dalyoung_1

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:22 AM PST


101114 - 101115 Drama, Dari, & Youngwon's Tweets

Read from bottom up!
CREDITS: Day Day, Drama, Youngwon, Dari & Jisu's Twitter (SOURCE), BOSS! @ DALMINATION (TRANS)

[TWITTER] 101116 - 101117 Dalmatian's Tweets @daydaydoggydog @low_keydrama @iam2dari @dalyoung_1 @dalyoung_jisu

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:22 AM PST


101116 - 101117 Dalmatian's Tweets

Read from bottom up!
CREDITS: Day Day, Drama, Youngwon, Dari & Jisu's Twitter (SOURCE), BOSS! @ DALMINATION (TRANS)

[TWITTER] 101117 - 101122 Dalmatian's Tweets @daydaydoggydog @low_keydrama @iam2dari @dalyoung_1 @dalyoung_jisu

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:21 AM PST


101117 - 101122 Dalmatian's Tweets

Read from bottom up!
CREDITS: Day Day, Drama, Youngwon, Dari & Jisu's Twitter (SOURCE), BOSS! @ DALMINATION (TRANS)

[CYWORLD] 101117 DayDay's Picture Update @daydaydoggydog

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:20 AM PST


101117 DayDay's Picture Update

Youngkoo's not here hehe


[CYWORLD] 101120 Youngwon's Picture Update @dalyoung_1

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:19 AM PST


101120 Youngwon's Picture Updates
Ahem~ A picture for the assumptions~!

As if I ate a fresh fruit, this was me in my 2nd year of middle school~^^hehe
If you look closely~^^! Hehehe
Hehe it's been a while since I've looked at old photos and now I'm reminiscent on old memories


[CAFE] 101123 Bbangku's Cafe Post - Bbangku's In-Depth Report (unseen photos)

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:19 AM PST


101123 Bbangku's Cafe Post - Bbangku's In-Depth Report (unseen photos)

[TWITTER] 101122 - 101123 Dalmatian's Tweets + Janggeun @POPPA_DRAMA @iam2dari @dalyoung_1 @rudeboy1082

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:18 AM PST


101122 - 101123 Dalmatian's Tweets

Read from bottom up!
*Bonus - JanggeunCREDITS: Janggeun, Drama, Youngwon, Dari's Twitter (SOURCE), BOSS! @ DALMINATION (TRANS)

[CAFE] 101124 Bbangku's In-Depth Report Part 2!! (Reporting in the Recording Studio)

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:17 AM PST


101124 Bbangku's In-Depth Report Part 2!! (Reporting in the Recording Studio)

[INFO] 101104 Regarding Dalmatian’s performance in Japan & a message to Dalmates

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:15 AM PST


101104 Regarding Dalmatian's performance in Japan & a message to Dalmates
Regarding Dalmatian's performance in Japan and a message to Dalmates

[Announcement of postponing Dalmatian's Japan performance]

Hello, this is IS Enter Media Group.

On December 1st in ZEPP OSAKA & C.C. Lemon Hall in Shibuya on December 3rd, the performances that were to be held will be postponed due to the sudden change in schedules.

The date it will be postponed to have not yet been decided and for those who reserved tickets for the performance, we can only say that we're truly sorry. For those who reserved tickets, you can check for the phone number through the site and receive a refund.

We truly apologize for the inconveniences for the fans and in the future, we will work hard in delivering an amazing stage performance.

Once again, we apologize.

[A message to Dalmates]

It has been already two months since 'Dalmatian' made their debut. We thank you very much for the much love and support you've given Dalmatian.

However, beyond that love and support, we have been receiving reports from those who live within the area of the dorm about the fans who visit. Also, with the bad actions made from the fans, we are receiving endless complaints through the telephone to our company.

If you truly want to support Dalmatian, you shouldn't visit the dorm nor bother other fans.

In order to have more mature fans, we hope that all Dalmates will take this announcement with caution.


[NEWS] 101110 Rookie group Dalmatian to join SG Wannabe in nationwide attend all concert dates

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:14 AM PST


101110 Rookie group Dalmatian to join SG Wannabe in nationwide attend all concert dates
[Medical Today My Star News Reporter Shin Hyunjung]

Rookie idol group Dalmatian is set to be guests for SG Wannabe's nationwide concert 'It's SG WANNABE.'

Having six male members, they made their debut last September with their digitial single 'Round One' and now they will be appearing as guests for all the concerts, starting from Seoul for SG Wannabe's nationwide tour 'It's SG WANNABE.'

SG Wannabe's end-of-the-year concert, 'It's SG WANNABE', will be held on the upcoming 20th in Seoul's Jamshil Indoor Stadium, Daejun Choongnamdae Jungshimhwa Hall on the 21st, Busan Civic Center on the 28th, as on December 18th & 19th, it will be held in Changwon's KBS Hall and on the 25th & 26th, in Daegu's Interburgo Ex-Co.

Dalmatian's representative said, "Dalmatian has always wanted to follow the footsteps of SG Wannabe in being a veteran along with how they move the audience through their stage performances" and "SG Wannabe members also agreed in having Dalmatian as guests and decided to do the nationwide tour together."

Continuing from this, they also said, "As a rookie, it's a very good chance for them to show off their skills as much as they want."

Meanwhile, Dalmatian is currently preparing an album after having released their digital single 'ROUND 1.'

My Star News Reporter Shin Hyunjung (


[NEWS] 101116 Byul[Star]- Inferior Factory- Dalmatian at 'TV Cultwo Show' Perfect Live

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:13 AM PST


101116 Byul[Star]- Inferior Factory- Dalmatian at 'TV Cultwo Show' Perfect Live
[Prime Economics] SBSE!TV . On Perfect Live, Byul, Inferior Factory, and Dalmatian were showed off their talent and became a big situation.

Last week, on the 11th, on 'Two O'Clock Escape Cultwo Show', Byul, who recently came back with a single album, 'Inferior Factory' came back as 'Leach' and talented new rookie group Dalmatian were guests on the show.

On this day of broadcast, the gorgeous looking and sweet voice singer, Byul sang her a new song from her new single album 'Today, I'm Really Hurt' and 'I think I' from Full House OST that gained a lot of interest.

The group "Inferior Factory" showed a new side with their vocals and came back as 'Leach'. They showed off their usual talent and shared how they wanted to 'Find their first love through the radio'. Also, the group couldn't control themselves from confirming the fact that they got plastic surgery which brought the studio into laugher.

Also, the new talented rookie group, Dalmatian showed off their mature vocals and also shared a 'Cultwo Show Logo Song' that they created themselves which gained a lot of interest.

Talented artists, Byul, Inferior Factory, and Dalmatian's hot live performances will be aired on Tuesday Night@ 9 on November, 16, 2010 on SBSE!TV .


[Video] SM The Ballad revealed the full song of "Missing You"‏

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:39 AM PST

One Teaser after another, SM The Ballad consisting of Kyuhyun, Jonghyun, Jay & Jino released their title track, "Missing You".
It's the full song & not an audio teaser.

Check out the song:

They were said to perform on this week's Music Core & Inkigayo but it was cancelled because the Music Shows are not aired.
You can see them next week, starting from their 1st performance in Music Bank!

Meanwhile, Their album would be released on 29 November 2010, are you excited?

Credits: SM The Ballad Official Homepage, RaiBaka @ YT & SMTownJJANG
Posted & edited by vannie@dkpopnews

[UFO] 101110 UFO replies

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:05 AM PST

[NielChunjiRickyL.JoeC.A.PChangjo] What should I change my nickname to? Choose one!! I'll take it!<3
[Ricky] Fresh Ricky~~~~^ㅇ^

[Ricky] Ricky-ya noona loves you so much ㅠㅜㅠ I'll take care of you foreverㅜㅜㅜ!!!! For real!!
[Ricky] hehe can u really do what you said???

[FANS]I really loved only Changhyun, Ricky you are the one who gives me this pain~~ Ricky-ya you know what is it??> <<3♥
[Ricky] Ah hehe It's Seo Taiji sunbaenim's song hehehe It's funny hehe {T/N: It's Seo Taiji's Nan arayo}

[Chunji] Receive my love~<3
[Chunji] So please continue to love me ♥

[ChunjiL.JoeNielRickyChangjo] Teen Top do reply me! It's Minsoo oppa's birthday what should I do over!!
[Ricky] Ricky replied over!!!! hehe

[Ricky] Tonight I'll take away your cuteness -AngelGirlNeti
[Ricky] If you take my cuteness what will I doㅠㅠ

[Ricky] Phew~~~~~~~ Don't cheat on me ♥.<3>

[FANS]Niel oppa! Yester at Dangjin did you saw the 'Niel is mine' sign~??
[Niel] Of course I saw it kk ^^

[Chunji] Right now I'm at the student self study oppa.. do you hear me oppa!!
[Chunji] You have to study hard kk

[L.Joe] Byeonghunie oppa~ Oppa in my class you are the most popular! kk L.Joe's generation!!! -AdamJuyeong~
[L.Joe] Woah!!! For real? I'm happy now!!

[L.Joe] Oppa studying is really tiringㅠㅜ And I want to see you I love you ♥
[L.Joe] I want to see you too... ㅠ

[FANS]Changjo oppa ^^My nickname is BultaengJonghyun, do you know what's the meaning of BultaengJonghyun?<3
[Changjo] You're my bulsal {T/N: idk what is a bulsal nor a bultaeng rofl}

[RickyChangjo] My friends of the same age (?)~ I'm turning off my phone and going to study hehe hiatus~~~~~~~!
[Ricky] Fighting!!!!!!!

[FANS]♥ Changjo♥ My hand is cold~ Ggong! My feet are cold~ Ggong! It's because of the winter~ Ggong! Ggong! Ggong!! Be careful to not be frozen!!
[Changjo] Yeah hehe

[Chunji] It's been 100 days since I kissed {T/N: On the cheek ofc rofl} Chunji ♥ Let's be together forever!! And I have some eye problem.. ㅠIt hurtsㅠ
[Chunji] Let's go together forever kk Me too I have a cold ㅜ.ㅜ Be careful of the cold~

[FANS]Chunji Chanhee you don't know noona's feelings who want to see you ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[Chunji] Then first take out Niel from your nickname please hehehehe ^^

Niel-ah~ don't perm your hair I tried to draw Niel's straight hair ㅎ_ㅎ Do you like it??? hehe
[Niel] You drew it perfectly kk It looks like flower-Niel ^^

[Changjo] Changjo-ya you're handsome!! You've always been handsome!! You're the best!!kk - Bokkyung♥
[Changjo] Thank you he

Source : Teen Top Daum Cafe | Credit :

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