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Sabtu, 06 November 2010



Noh Min-woo to star in rock drama Boohwal

Posted: 06 Nov 2010 05:40 AM PDT

Gumiho hunter fans of the world, your prayers have been answered. Noh Min-woo (My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho, Pasta) will be starring in upcoming rock drama Boohwal. It’s a four-episode KBS Drama Special, based on the true story of Kim Tae-won, lead guitarist and songwriter of rock band Boohwal. (The name Boohwal [부활] means rebirth or reincarnation.)

You’ll probably recognize Kim Tae-won by face (pictured below), if not by legendary rock status. Boohwal has over twenty years of history as one of the most commercially successful and insanely popular rock bands to come out of Korea (where you may have noticed that a great majority of commercial success is dominated by pop.) They were most popular in the late 80s/early 90s when their vocalist was Lee Seung-chul, but Kim Tae-won is the face, the songwriter, and revered lead guitarist of the band.

Read the rest of Noh Min-woo to star in rock drama Boohwal (123 words)

© girlfriday for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 12 comments | Add to
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Runaway Plan B: Halftime report

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 08:02 PM PDT

All right, folks, time to check back in with Runaway Plan B. I've been watching the episodes despite not recapping it, and now at the halfway mark, I can say that the show is better now than it was at the outset. I’m still a few points away from loving it, but I’m more invested than I was.

I said in the initial recap (and the podcast) that I liked it with some reservations, because there were a few key points that kept me from jumping fully onboard. Like the super-slickness, the style-without-a-heart vibe, the bravado. And one main weak point still holds it back: While the individual episodes move briskly (how can they not, with all that running?), the overall story progresses at a creepy-crawl. If you cut through the action and the fighting and boil down what actually happened in an episode, you'll see that plot movement only actually makes up small fraction of the real estate. There's a lot of time spent on filler stuff, like the other PIs in other countries and whatnot. But maybe that's intentional.

On the upside, Runaway IS very easy to watch. And it may have taken about six episodes before I cared anything about any character, but here at Episode 10, we're making some nice movements forward. (Finally!)

Here’s the thing, though: You absolutely can’t take it seriously. You have to approach the drama knowing it's all fun fluff, whether we're talking about everyone's magic designer wardrobe — despite being on the run five times per episode — or escaping from handcuffs with a bendy straw. You've gotta roll with the ridiculous punches and laugh at the cheekiness, rather than rolling your eyes in derision, because otherwise you'll just strain yourself (and said eyes).


MBLAQ – “Running and Running” [ Download ]

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© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 41 comments | Add to
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Prepare for toilet humor in Cha Tae-hyun’s new comedy

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 02:42 PM PDT

The poster is out for Cha Tae-hyun‘s (Speed Scandal) new supernatural comedy, Hello Ghost, and it features him in quite the precarious position, sitting on the toilet while the ghosts that haunt him look on. It’s a combination of strange, disturbing, and funny, which is pretty much what the tone of the movie sounds like.

Consider for instance the premise, where Cha Tae-hyun plays a man who’s so lonely and depressed that he keeps attempting suicide. He’s regularly haunted by four ghosts, who pop up to stop him from doing the deed, and then begin to interfere in his life. There’s potential for some great dark humor if done right, a la Harold and Maude.

Read the rest of Prepare for toilet humor in Cha Tae-hyun’s new comedy (172 words)

© girlfriday for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 21 comments | Add to
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Kim So-yeon confirms Athena

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 09:43 AM PDT

Kim So-yeon has confirmed her guest stint on highly-anticipated IRIS spin-off Athena: Goddess of War. Round of applause! She’ll be reprising her IRIS role as kickass Northern intelligence agent Kim Sun-hwa, and will be joined by her commanding officer Park Chul-young, played by the awesome Kim Seung-woo.

These two were the runaway stars of IRIS for me, as I hardly cared about the other characters, and couldn’t get enough of these two. Looks like they’ll be stealing the limelight again, for however long they get to be around, anyway. The producers of Athena have been trying to score Kim So-yeon since the beginning, but she was unable to confirm because of her current drama, Dr. Champ. (Which she is great in. I can’t wait till they kick her romantic storyline with Jung Kyeo-woon up a notch.)

Read the rest of Kim So-yeon confirms Athena (148 words)

© girlfriday for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 77 comments | Add to
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