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Jumat, 24 Desember 2010



Open Thread #167

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 06:45 AM PST



Kate Nash – “Early Christmas Present” [ Download ]


© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | No comments | Add to
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Finding the gems among the stones [Year In Review, Part 2]

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 08:30 PM PST

[Now that you've read what I've had to say about the past year of dramas, please join me in welcoming a couple familiar guest bloggers, who have graciously written up their reviews as well. Here is Dahee_Fanel's year-end write-up; you may recall her as one of my guests from last year. Enjoy! –javabeans]

What a fascinating roller coaster of a ride this year has been. There were many disappointments (most of which I stopped watching halfway, because Life Is Too Short For Bad Dramas (copyright Gangsta Kitteh and hjkomo)), but also so many unexpected gems that shone with a light that proved impossible to stifle. Maybe it’s just the swan song before an untimely death, but in 2010 at least, K-dramas had their moment of rebellion and glory. And I. Am. Ecstatic.

The following are divided between long dramas and short dramas, and are in alphabetical order.


Comrades OST – “친구여” [ Download ]

Read the rest of Finding the gems among the stones [Year In Review, Part 2] (7,162 words)

© Dahee_Fanel for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 94 comments | Add to
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Lots and lots of Dream High stills

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 04:00 PM PST

So here’s a whole mess of stills from the upcoming KBS drama Dream High, which is probably most known because it’s the collaboration of actor-mini-mogul Bae Yong-joon and kpop producer/svengali Park Jin-young, and stars lots of young idol stars.

It’s for those three reasons that I’ve been pretty leery of the drama, not because I hate kpop (I do like it, promise!) but because I feel like it’s hard enough to get dramas right when the production is in the hands of people who are experts at it. When you throw a bunch of people in there who are totally green and not experienced in this world, it’s a crapshoot at best. But even so, I still want to hope for the best, because I have a soft spot for high school dramas (there really aren’t enough of those — at least not good ones) and youthful exuberance. And I do kinda like that you can take the title as a noun and a verb (as in, high school of dreams and “Dream high!”).

Read the rest of Lots and lots of Dream High stills (555 words)

© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 72 comments | Add to
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Kim Hyun-joo takes on new drama project

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 11:26 AM PST

A year and a half after her last drama (lawyer drama Partner), Kim Hyun-joo is coming back for another one, a weekend show this time called 반짝반짝 빛나는, which translates to Twinkling or Sparkling (still a working title). Taking a little bit of poetic license, you might also translate it more prettily to All That Glitters.

The MBC series is described as one woman’s success story after her life is turned around due to someone else’s mistake. Kim plays the lead character Han Jung-won, who’s born unlucky. I expect she’ll bring a warmth and gentle spirit to the role, which she’s so good at delivering.

While I rarely watch MBC weekend dramas, I’m actually a little bit excited for this, because directing is PD Noh Do-chul, which has my immediate attention; he brought his fresh, interesting directing style to quirky shows like vampire sitcom Hello Franceska and one of my all-time favorites, Soulmate. Eee! If he can bring that same refreshing energy to this, I’m SOLD. (He also worked on General Hospital 2, which I could never get into.)

Writer Bae Yu-mi wrote I Really Really Like You and Who Are You?, which makes me tentatively hopeful; both were flawed but charming shows that had bright, comedic moments as well as some heartfelt stuff.

All That Glitters is being prepped to take Gloria’s place and plans to begin its broadcast in February. I haven’t seen an estimated episode count yet, but given precedent there’s a good chance this’ll be a 50-episoder. Aw man, I may actually have to watch a long drama now.

Via Kuki News


© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 23 comments | Add to
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