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Senin, 27 Desember 2010



Royal couple stills from My Princess

Posted: 27 Dec 2010 03:12 AM PST

Promotion is really heating up for My Princess, which premieres in just over a week on MBC. The fantasy romantic-comedy series has released yet more stills — couple photos this time of Kim Tae-hee and Song Seung-heon, with the former dressed up in all her royal finery.

I think she looks more like Disney’s idea of a princess (…half a century ago) than, say, a modern-day imagining of one (Kate Middleton scoffs at those ridiculous pearls, the gaudy jewelry, and that curtain-print dress), but for a kdrama interpretation of a fantasy world in which Korea somehow still employs a monarchy, Kim Tae-hee looks sweet and adorable. People should really wear tiaras more in real life. And half-sleeved formal gowns.

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© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 22 comments | Add to
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2010 Editors’ Picks [Year In Review, Part 5]

Posted: 26 Dec 2010 08:18 PM PST

Here we are, Part 5!

As girlfriday said in her review, I’d also like to thank guest bloggers Dahee Fanel and thunderbolt for participating in this year’s year-in-review roundup. A particular thank-you goes out to GF herself for being so game to jump into this whole world of crazy with me, and I think you’ll all agree when I say that Dramabeans is better for her addition to it. I never fail to get a huge kick out of her wicked humor, or for Dahee’s frank and bold insights, or thundie’s thoughtful eloquence. We don’t always agree, but that’s exactly why I love hearing the differing points of views.

Most of all, thanks to the DB readership — that means you! — who have been so supportive, vibrant, and often laugh-out-loud funny. We don’t take you guys for granted, rest assured, and are honored by the community you’ve built here. It’s like a second home, which sounds like a metaphor but actually isn’t because with all the hours I spend here, it really IS one.

So here’s the last of the reviews! With that, we bid adieu to the past year and look forward to lots more laughs, craziness, and yes, head-pounding-WTF-ery in the new year. Bring it on, 2011.


Standing Egg – “First Christmas.” The song’s a day or two late, but no matter: Hope your Christmas (or other seasonal holiday) was merry! [ Download ]

Read the rest of 2010 Editors’ Picks [Year In Review, Part 5] (5,374 words)

© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 192 comments | Add to
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Secret Garden: Episode 13

Posted: 26 Dec 2010 02:30 PM PST

Some really nice moments in this episode, and some long-awaited movement on Ra-im’s part (finally!), help mitigate some other bits that I hated. Or rather, one bit in particular. (I really wanted not to hate it, but it’s one of those things that you just can’t bring yourself to accept, y’know?)


Jung Yeob – “Love You” [ Download ]

Read the rest of Secret Garden: Episode 13 (3,275 words)

© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 404 comments | Add to
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