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Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010



Open Thread #157

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 06:46 AM PDT



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Playful Kiss: Episode 14

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 08:17 PM PDT

Lordy, I didn’t think we’d EVER get here. But here we are, and what a breath of fresh air it is to see Robot Boy stepping up to own his feelings. What’s even better is what he does afterwards, because as awesome as the kissing is, it’s much more satisfying to see them steer each other towards growth, and maturity, and a sense of self that doesn’t make me want to lose my lunch.

Read the rest of Playful Kiss: Episode 14 (2,086 words)

© girlfriday for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 146 comments | Add to
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Runaway Plan B ratings continue their slide

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 03:37 PM PDT

I’m actually a little shocked: The latest episode of Runaway Plan B drew a mere 11.9% rating, which is nearly half its strong premiere number. More worrying than that, however, is the steadiness of the downward trend — Episodes 1 through 6 have garnered, in order, a 20.7%, 17.9%, 18.0%, 16.2%, 15.1%, and 11.9%.

Over on SBS, Daemul‘s Episode 3 drew a 26.5% on Wednesday, and kept it up the next day with a 26.1%. MBC’s Playful Kiss numbers this week were 6.0% and 5.6%.

I had expected Daemul to cut into Runaway‘s ratings somewhat, but hadn’t thought it would so completely dominate. Yes, dramas tend to be the purview of the ajumma viewer, and President Go Hyun-jung is a huge draw — but surely Runaway would collect that subset of the viewership that craves testosterone, action, and speed, I thought. I’ve wondered if it would have done better as a summer series, or even on weekends a la Man Called God, but in any case it hasn’t managed to command the same action-lovin’ eyeballs as Chuno, which is what everyone was banking on.

It’s too bad; despite not loving the drama, I have fun watching Runaway, which is a harmless escapist vehicle to counter the Pomp and Drama of Daemul and the romantic sweetness of Playful Kiss. (Also: Lee Jung-jin is damn hot. Sometimes I forget to pay attention to the main point of a scene when he’s all gruff and glowery onscreen. Although, let’s be honest — the hot stuff usually IS the primary purpose of scenes in this drama.)

Maybe next time, Rain.

Via HeraldM


© javabeans for Dramabeans, 2010. | Permalink | 58 comments | Add to
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Daemul replaces writer in its second week

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 11:23 AM PDT

Already, SBS’s Daemul is sitting pretty in first place in its second week — its latest, Episode 3, breezed past KBS’s Runaway Plan B with a 26.4% rating to the latter’s 15.1% — so it comes as a bit of a surprise to hear that the production has replaced its writer.

The first writer, Hwang Eun-kyung, penned MBC’s hit medical drama New Heart. Replacement Yoo Dong-yoon is the writer of 2001-02′s Ladies of the Palace, 2003-04′s Age of Warriors, and 2007-08′s King and I, all sageuk projects.

Naturally, this has given rise to a lot of questions as to why, particularly since the drama is poised to become a big ratings draw. On October 14, a source with SBS’s drama department stated that writer Hwang had completed the scripts for episodes 1 through 4, “But in the process of writing 5 and 6, she couldn’t come to an agreement about the direction of the drama, so we unfortunately had to bring in a replacement.” That source added that they would make sure to make the transition smoothly, so as to keep the flow of the drama from being interrupted.

But the issue continues to be a buzz topic, and some are wondering whether this is the result of outside pressure from political circles (given the drama’s focus on politics). SBS has come with a strong denial to those rumors, stating that the writer change was decided before the drama began airing, and that the only reason is because of a clear difference of opinion between writer and director. According to that source, both Hwang and Yoo had written scripts for Daemul at the outset, and the PD had chosen Hwang. When their views clashed, he decided to go with Yoo.

Will the direction shift hurt Daemul just when it’s getting off to a great start, or will it propel the drama to greater heights? Well, considering how I disliked the first week’s episodes, maybe I’ll have to give it a second shot.

Via Star News, E Daily, Hankyung


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